Avanticlassic and Avantijazz have been created with the aim of re-establishing a relationship between artist and record company that, in the current music industry, practically no longer exists.
Active in the fields of classical music and jazz, our labels aim not only to record and promote artists in which it believes but also to offer them real support in all facets of their career.
To achieve this goal, Avanticlassic and Avantijazz make use of the best available technology on all levels, be it in the choice of recording studios, the recording techniques used or the production of the final product.
The product offered to consumers will also be of the highest quality: cd/sacd hybrid music carriers, packaged attractively in a contemporary, fresh, modern style, with liner notes written by specialists; streaming and downloads available in high-res 96khz/24bits.
We will also work closely with each distributor, each streaming and download online services to secure the best visibility of the talents we believe in.
AustraliaSELECT AUDIO VISUAL DISTRIBUTION Unit 7, Botany Bay Industrial Estate 2-12 Beauchamp Road Banksmeadow NSW 2019 Website: www.savd.com.au Email: info@savd.com.au Phone: +61 (0)2 8287 4882 |
AustriaLOTUS RECORDS Kirchplatz 2/1 A-5110 Oberndorf Website: www.lotusrecords.at Email: elsinger@lotusrecords.at Phone: +43 (0)6272 73175 |
BelgiumOUTHERE DISTRIBUTION Rue De L’Epargne, 29 1000 Bruxelles Website: www.outhere-music.com Email: emma@outhere-music.com Phone: |
CanadaNAXOS OF AMERICA, Inc. 1810 Columbia Ave, Suite 28, Franklin, TN 37064 USA Website: naxosusa.com Email: shickey@naxosusa.com Phone: +1 615.465.3840 |
Czech RepublicCLASSIC MUSIC DISTRIBUTION Biskupcova 37 130 00 Praha 3 Website: www.classic.cz Email: classic@classic.cz Phone: 271 770 737 |
FinlandNAXOS SWEDEN Kryptongatan 8, SE-703 74 Örebro Website: www.naxosdirect.se Email: info@naxos.se Phone: +46 19206860 |
FranceOUTHERE MUSIC France 31, Rue du Fbg Poissonnière 75009 Paris Website: www.outhere-music.com Email: loic@outhere-music.com Phone: +33 (0)1 43 45 02 89 |
GermanyNOTE 1 MUSIC GmbH Carl-Benz-Str. 1 69115 Heidelberg Website: www.note1-music.com Email: miethe@note1-music.com Phone: +49 (0)6221-720351 |
GreeceOPERA COMPACT DISC Ακαδημίας 57, Αθήνα ΤΚ 106 79 Website: www.operacd.gr Email: info@operacd.gr Phone: +30 210 3626137 |
Hong KongSHUN CHEONG RECORDS & Co., LTD. Unit No. 1 & 2, Winning Centre, 11/F., 29 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR Website: www.shuncheongrec.com Email: clementng@shuncheongrec.com Phone: +(852) 2332 2397 |
HungaryKARSAY ÉS TÁRSA KFT 1188 Budapest, Vezér u. 77 / b. Website: mgrecords.hu Email: info@mgrecords.hu Phone: + 36-20-971-5023 |
ItalySELF DISTRIBUZIONE Via Gianfranco Malipiero, 14 20138 Milano Website: www.self.it Email: digital1@self.it Phone: +39 02 509011 |
Japanナクソス・ジャパン株式会社 東京都渋谷区神南1-9-2 大畠ビル6階 Website: naxos.jp Email: Phone: 03-5489-7055 |
MexicoNAXOS OF AMERICA, Inc. 1810 Columbia Ave, Suite 28, Franklin, TN 37064 USA Website: naxosusa.com Email: shickey@naxosusa.com Phone: +1 615.465.3840 |
New ZealandODE RECORDS PO Box 56 450 Dominion Rd. 1446 Website: www.oderecords.co.nz Email: info@oderecords.co.nz Phone: +64 9 630 1177 |
NorwayNAXOS SWEDEN Kryptongatan 8, SE-703 74 Örebro Website: www.naxosdirect.se Email: info@naxos.se Phone: +46 19206860 |
PolandCMD (Classical Music Distribution) ul.Zielonogórska 6 45-323 Opole Website: www.cmd.pl Email: cmd@cmd.pl Phone: +48 601 446 226 |
PortugalDISTRIJAZZ Timoteo Padrós, 31 28200 San Lorenzo de El Escorial Website: distrijazz.com Email: contacto@distrijazz.com Phone: +34 93 444 79 57 ext. 2005 |
RussiaWARNER MUSIC Ltd. Nastavnicheskiy Pereulok, 17 ctp.1, Moskva, 105120 Website: warnermusic.ru Email: Phone: +7 (495) 787-56-70 |
South KoreaLAON-I (NABISORI) #606 19 jungang-ro 126lbeon-gil ilsandong-gu goyang-si gyeonggi-do Korea (410-837) Website: www.nabisori.co.kr Email: chulki@nabisori.com Phone: +82 31 901 57 18 |
SpainDISTRIJAZZ Timoteo Padrós, 31 28200 San Lorenzo de El Escorial Website: distrijazz.com Email: contacto@distrijazz.com Phone: +34 93 444 79 57 ext. 2005 |
SwedenNAXOS SWEDEN Kryptongatan 8, SE-703 74 Örebro Website: www.naxosdirect.se Email: info@naxos.se Phone: +46 19206860 |
SwitzerlandMUSIKONTAKT Forchstrasse 136 CH-8032 Zürich Website: musikontakt.ch Email: info@musikontakt.ch Phone: +41 (0)44 381 02 95 |
TaiwanOSCC No. 185-1, Sec. 2, Fuxing S. Rd., 106 Da’an Dist. Taipei, Taiwan (ROC) Website: www.stsd99.com Email: stsdbox@gmail.com Phone: +886 2 77288385 |
The NetherlandsOUTHERE DISTRIBUTION Rue De L’Epargne, 29 1000 Bruxelles Website: www.outhere-music.com Email: emma@outhere-music.com |
United KingdomRSK ENTERTAINMENT Ltd Unit 3, Home Farm, Welford, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 8HR UK Website: www.rskentertainment.co.uk Email: info@rskentertainment.co.uk Phone: +44(0)1488 608900 |
USATHE ORCHARD 23 E. 4th St., 3rd Fl New York, NY 10003 USA Website: www.theorchard.com |